A is the first letter of the alphabet and it is also the first letter of many objects. We have created a list of things that start with A and included pictures of the objects below.
Rank | Animal |
1 | Armchair |
2 | Airplane |
3 | Axe |
4 | Apple |
5 | Automopbile |
6 | Alligator |
7 | Astronaut |
8 | Acorn |
9 | Actor |
10 | Adder |
11 | Aardvark |
12 | Alien |
13 | Ant |
14 | Asteroid |
15 | Alphabet |
16 | Aquarium |
17 | Airbag |
18 | Actress |
19 | Antler |
20 | Artist |
21 | Acrobat |
22 | Arachnid |
23 | Abdomen |
24 | Accent |
25 | Abyss |
26 | Acid |
27 | Acne |
28 | Acquaintance |
29 | Address |
30 | Admiral |
31 | Aerial |
32 | Africa |
33 | Agency |
34 | Arm |
35 | Alchemist |
36 | Alarm |
37 | Aisle |
38 | Amber |
39 | Atlas |
40 | Aurora |
41 | Allotment |
42 | Almond |
43 | Alps |
44 | Amphibian |
45 | Alter |
46 | Aluminium |
47 | Amplifier |
48 | Angle |
49 | Antartica |
50 | Aorta |
51 | Architect |
52 | Anchor |
53 | Angel |
54 | Ankle |
55 | Antenna |
56 | Antifreeze |
57 | Anvil |
58 | Arch |
59 | Apricot |
60 | Army |
61 | Arcade |
62 | Artichoke |
63 | Atom |
64 | Autograph |
65 | Avocado |
66 | Aubergine |
67 | Aunt |
68 | Avenue |
69 | Awning |
Objects and Things That Start With A
1. Armchair

An armchair is a comfortable piece of furniture that you can sit in to relax. It has a chair-like seat and two arms on the sides to rest your arms on.
2. Airplane

An airplane is a vehicle that can fly through the air. It has wings and a body that is made to hold passengers or cargo.
3. Axe
An axe is a tool that is used to chop wood. It is sharp on one end and has a handle on the other.
4. Apple

An apple is a type of fruit that has a sweet and sour taste. It is red or green and has a hard skin. It is usually eaten as part of a meal or as a snack.
5. Automobile
An automobile is a vehicle that is used to travel on roads. It has four rubber tires, a motor, and seats for passengers. It is the most common type of transportation in the world.
6. Alligator
An alligator is a type of reptile that lives in the water. It has a long body and a tough skin. It can be dangerous if it is angry or scared.
7. Astronaut

An astronaut is a person who travels in space. They wear a special suit and helmet to protect them from the vacuum of space. They often work on board spacecraft or satellites.
8. Acorn
An acorn is a type of nut that grows on oak trees. It is brown and has a hard shell. It is often eaten by animals or used to make food for animals.
9. Actor
An actor is a person who performs in movies, plays, or television shows. They often have to learn how to speak and act like a different person.
10. Adder
An adder is a type of snake that lives in the United Kingdom. It is black or dark green and has a venomous bite. It is sometimes called a viper.
11. Aardvark
An aardvark is a type of animal that lives in Africa. It has a long snout and a long tail. It eats ants and termites.
12. Alien
An alien is a creature from another planet. They often look strange and have special powers. Some people believe that aliens exist and have visited Earth.
13. Ant
An ant is a type of insect that lives in colonies. They are very small and have six legs. They are often used as food for other animals.
14. Asteroid
An asteroid is a small, rocky object flying through space. Some asteroids are the size of mountains, and many bigger than that. They are often made of rock and metal.
15. Alphabet
The alphabet is a set of letters that are used to write words. It is what we use to communicate with one another! Children learn phonics for letters and groups of letters in the alphabet to learn to speak.
16. Aquarium
An aquarium is a tank that is filled with water and used to keep fish, turtles and other aquatic animals.
17. Airbag
An airbag is a safety device that is found in cars. It is a bag that inflates when the car crashes. This helps to protect the driver and passengers.
18. Actress
An actress is a person who performs in movies or television shows. They learn and play characters that are involved in the story.
19. Antler
An antler is a type of horn that is found on the head of deer, elk and moose. Antlers are used for defending territory and fending off others.
20. Artist
An artist is a person who creates paintings, drawings, sculptures or other works of art. They use their creativity to make pieces of art.
21. Acrobat
An acrobat is a person who performs stunts and tricks while in the air or on the ground. They are normally very skilled in gymnastics.
22. Arachnid
Arachnids are a group of animals that includes spiders, scorpions and ticks.
23. Abdomen
The abdomen is the section of the body that is located between the chest and the hips. It contains many of the organs in the body.
24. Abyss
Abyss used to define seemingly infinite places. When you wonder into the unknown you could say you are wondering into the abyss.
25. Accent
An accent is a way of speaking that is unique to a certain region or country. It can be used to identify where someone is from.
26. Acid
Acid is a substance that is corrosive. It can be harmful to the skin and can cause damage to materials.
27. Acne
Acne is a skin condition that causes spots to form on the face. It is often caused by the pores becoming blocked.
28. Acquaintance
An acquaintance is someone that you know but are not friends with. They may be someone that you have met a few times or a work colleague.
29. Address
An address is the location of a person or organisation. It is how we describe where a place is.
30. Admiral
An admiral is a rank in the navy that is above a captain. They are responsible for leading and commanding ships or fleets.
31. Aerial
An aerial is a wire that is used to carry signals from one place to another. It is often found on the roof of a building.
32. Africa
Africa is a continent that is located south of Europe and east of the Middle East. It is home to over 1.2 billion people.
33. Agency
An agency is an organisation that is responsible for providing a service or selling products. They are often hired by other companies to do this work.
34. Arm
The arm is the part of the body that is used to hold things and perform tasks. It is made up of the shoulder, elbow and hand.
35. Alchemist
An alchemist was a person who studied and practised chemistry during the Middle Ages. They believed that they could turn lead into gold.
36. Alarm
An alarm is a device that is used to warn people of danger. It can also be used to wake up at the right time.
37. Aisle
An aisle is a part of a room or building that is used to walk through. It is often found in supermarkets and churches.
38. Amber
Amber is a type of fossilised resin that is often used to make jewellery. It can be many different colours, including yellow and orange.
39. Atlas
An atlas is a type of book that is filled with maps. It is often used for navigation or to learn about different countries.
40. Aurora
An aurora is a natural light display that can be seen in the sky. They are often seen in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
41. Allotment
An allotment is a piece of land that is used for growing vegetables and fruits. People can often rent them from the local government.
42. Almond
An almond is a type of nut that is found in the Mediterranean region. It has an outside casing and a sweet, nutty flavour.
43. Alps
The Alps are a mountain range that is located in Europe. They stretch across multiple countries and are over 4,000 metres high in places.
44. Amphibian
An amphibian is a type of animal that can live on land or in water. Frogs, toads and newts are all examples of amphibians.
45. Alter
An alter is a place where people can worship. It is often found in churches or temples.
46. Aluminium
Aluminium is a type of metal that is often used in cooking pots and pans. It is a light-weight metal that is pretty corrosion-resistant.
47. Amplifier
An amplifier is a device that is used to increase the power of a signal. It is often found in electronic equipment.
48. Angle
An angle is a measurement that is used to describe the shape of something. It is measured in degrees and can be positive or negative.
49. Antartica
Antarctica is the southernmost continent on Earth. It is made up of millions of square kilometres of ice.
50. Aorta
The aorta is the main artery in the body. It carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body.
51. Architect
An architect is a person who designs buildings and other structures. They often work with engineers to make sure that the building is safe.
52. Anchor
An anchor is a heavy metal object that is used to keep a boat in place. It is often attached to a chain and lowered into the water.
53. Angel
An angel is a type of spiritual being that is often thought to be benevolent. They often appear in religious art and literature.
54. Ankle

The ankle is the part of the leg that is below the knee. It is made up of the ankle bone and the Achilles tendon.
55. Antenna
An antenna is a device that is used to transmit or receive signals. It is often found on radios, televisions and other electronic equipment.
56. Antifreeze
Antifreeze is a liquid that is used to stop liquids from freezing. It is often found in cars and other vehicles.
57. Anvil
An anvil is a heavy metal object that is used to shape metal. It is often used in blacksmithing and other metalworking processes.
58. Arch
An arch is a type of bridge that is made from stone or concrete. It is often used to cross over large gaps.
59. Apricot
An apricot is a type of fruit that is related to the peach. It has a smooth skin and a sweet, orange flavour.
60. Army
An army is a group of soldiers that are trained to fight in times of war. They are often organised into battalions and brigades.
61. Arcade
Arcades are full of games machines and machines I have enjoyed throughout my life!
62. Artichoke
An artichoke is a type of vegetable. It has a tough skin and a flavour that is somewhere between
63. Atom

An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has the chemical properties of that element. It is made up of protons, neutrons and
64. Autograph
An autograph is a signature that is handwritten by a person. It is often used as a form of identification or authentication.
65. Avocado
An avocado is a type of fruit. It has a green skin and a creamy, green flesh.
66. Aubergine
An aubergine is a type of vegetable. It has a shiny skin and a flavour that is somewhere between sweet and bitter.
67. Aunt
An aunt is the sister of one's parent. She is often used as a form of address for an older woman.
68. Avenue
An avenue is a type of road that is wide and straight. It is often used to connect two larger roads together.
69. Awning
An awning is a type of roof that is made from canvas or other types of fabric. It is often used to provide shade from the sun.
We hope our list of objects and things that start with A helped! If you like more words that begin with a, check out our article on animals that start with A.