Jordan Samuel Skin was definitely a light bulb moment. After working in the industry as a hands-on aesthetician and trainer for a large skincare company, I saw and experienced the overwhelming confusion and frustration of customers. I set out to create something fun AND creative by encouraging people to choreograph their own skincare routines. Having had a small following in the Seattle area through my career with Pacific Northwest Ballet (PNB), retaining customers via my facial treatments and introducing them to my product line was a fairly seamless process. Jordan Samuel Skin to this day is 100% self-invested. I have currently not taken on any loans or investors while building a global brand.
Our target demographic is quite large. We are creating a movement by putting creativity back into everyone's hands. Female clientele (and a good amount of men) ages 28-65 is where our focus is for the most part.
Jordan Samuel Skin is the best-selling brand within its first hour of launching on Cult Beauty (a UK-based retailer). We’ve achieved our first month’s planned sales in just two days with retailer Cult. The company launched in the UK earlier this year in January 2020.
How did you fund the idea initially?
I saved a lot of money while I danced at PNB and put all of that to good use as I developed Jordan Samuel Skin. I then worked other jobs in the industry, constantly saving money to help realize my dream. I have always done that for myself. The realization and rewards of the company’s success are enough to dangle that carrot. I have to work with people that I trust and feel comfortable with in helping to realize my dream, and also with others who will allow me to have my creative space. I think that is really important. More than possessing extreme qualifications, it’s the “clicking” with another individual that makes me want to hire them.
What motivated you to start your own business?
Being an artist my entire life, I knew right out of the gate when I retired from the ballet that I had to go out on my own. I had to run the show, and I was never going to flourish working for someone else. My parents have always encouraged me to follow my dreams. I was lucky enough to have complete support from friends and loved ones.
What motivates you when things go wrong? What is the end goal?
When things go wrong I am always motivated to learn from those mistakes and never make them again. I see it as a learning lesson more than ‘things ruined and going wrong.’ The end goal is always and will always be business growth -- whether that’s internally with employees or relating to financials. When starting out, delegate, delegate, delegate! That’s something I wish I did sooner. If you spend your time doing something you aren’t good at it, that will only take you away from what you are good at. Consistency, trust and social media have been the magical trio for building Jordan Samuel Skin. Instagram and YouTube are the two biggest referrals to our site. Communicating daily with customers and answering just about every single comment on social media has been a game changer. While capital will always be at the heart of what would stop us from being three times bigger right now, I also would never want to have uncontrolled growth, especially if it affects the company’s values, creativity and longevity in the industry.
How do you protect yourself from competition?
Growing up in the ballet, I have only known competition. I am very skilled at putting my blinders on and doing my own thing. I honestly believe there is enough good in this world for everyone, so competition is more of extra noise to me as opposed to a motivator. If you stay true to yourself and your authentic story there will be no need to protect from competition. People can see through inauthentic businesses. A lot of our product names and our business name are registered trademarks. We’re constantly adding new ones every few months to continue the story of Jordan Samuel Skin.
What are the top 3-5 apps your business could not run without?
Instagram, YouTube, Slack and The combo of these keeps me connected to customers, gives me ability to create content and an ability to communicate on-the-go with co-workers and pay bills to all of our suppliers. I can truly work from anywhere with these! It’s awesome.
What are your favourite books and podcasts?
*The Martha Rules
*The 4-Hour Workweek
*Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
These are all excellent books for business and life in general.
I don’t really listen to podcasts that much, but if I did it would be an episode of “How I Built This.”
What are your next steps for Jordan Samuel Skin?
We have a lot of new products in the pipeline. They only get released once they truly check my every box and meet eye-to-eye with my vision. The one that we can currently talk about is “The Performance Eye Gel,” as that should be launching soon!

In five years, I see the company expanding greatly via other outlets, hopefully with QVC, and getting the brand to be a household name, as well as changing peoples’ skin for the better. The company is currently staying consistent at the million dollar mark, with hopes to improve upon that this year. Selling is something that I would do if and only if it is the right fit. Selling can open up so many avenues for a small up and coming business. As long as they were on board with the company’s values and my creative vision, then it could be a win-win.
Company Name: | Jordan Samuel Skin |
Founder: | Jordan Samuel Pacitti |